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Print Templates

Print templates for Direct Mail, Leaflets and more

Welcome to our one-stop-shop of our most popular print specifications.

It contains lots of inspiration and all you need to know about how to set up your designs ready for print – whether it’s leaflets for your next household distribution, postcards for your latest direct mail campaign or ideas for a variety of one piece mailers (OPMs) for targeted, personalised customer communications – we have everything you need.

  • Need help with templates for you next direct mail campaign?
  • Not sure how to set out your print materials?
  • Want some inspiration to help create engaging customer communications?

Uncertainty in recent years has led to a number of changes to the way consumers do business. Fortunately, there is a silver lining for any business about to embark on their latest Direct Marketing campaign plans….

…more and more people have been engaging with the Direct Mail landing on their doorsteps than ever before. In addition, annual research (by MarketReach) continues to demonstrate that Direct Mail is five times more likely to generate brand recall than digital marketing methods. So why not keep your business at the forefront of consumers’ minds with eye-catching print you know they are going to see!?

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